Sunday, December 29, 2019
Survey reveals the most common reason Americans buy junk food
Survey reveals the most common reason Americans buy junk foodSurvey reveals the most common reason Americans buy junk foodJunk food consumption is currently responsible for 28.8% of the total calorie intake of the average American. Fifty-seven percent of U.S citizens between the ages of 18 and 29 eat junk food and or fast food at least once a week. Eighty percent of Americans confess to consuming various unhealthy foods monthly, even though they are aware of the adverse effects that this entails. A new poll conducted by Onepoll and funded by the organic soil and fertilizer company called Dr. Earth of 2,000 Americans identifies the reasoning behind this curious statistic. Mistrust and high costThe massive poll reports that 55% of respondents said they feel forced to buy junk food because its much mora expensive to purchase healthy food products. Not too long ago, researchers over at Drexel University put together a study group of 2,800 Americans to locate the depth of the price dispar ity. The paper reported that on average, healthy, perishable foods were almost twice as expensive as unhealthy packaged foods were talking a staggering 61 cents vs. 31 cents per serving. Moreover, the study determined that every 14% increase in the healthy to unhealthy food price ratio was associated with a 28% decrease in healthy diets. Nearly 40% of U.S. adults are obese and less than 20% attain recommendations for fruits and vegetables. Cheap prices of unhealthy foods relative to healthier foods may be contributing to obesity and low-quality diet, explained the studys lead researcher, Dr.Amy Auchincloss in Study Finds.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreAlthough high costs were the most commonly cited influencer of food insecurity, it was by no means the only one. A sizeable portion of the parteicipants queried in the Onepoll survey expressed a lack of trust in the food industry that made them unable to condition the best healthy alternatives to purchase. An additional portion of the survey group, said many of the labels simply confused them. Three in four respondents said that they wish they knew more about the food their family consumed every night, with 30% saying they planned on starting their own garden just so they knew exactly what they were putting in their body. As previously reported by Ladders, this occurrence is seldom by chance. Many companies capitalize on the purported popularity of healthy foods by accenting any buzzwords and singling out individual healthy ingredients contained in a product in order to effectively mislead half-informed shoppers. Milo Shammas, the CEO of Dr. Earth, expounds further in a press statement released on the back of the recent Onepoll reportConsumers can be misled with labeling with broad claims like contains organic or natural ingredients, this suggests that only part of the ingredients are organic and the rest c onventional. This is a common way to charge more for a partial organic product.Confusing wordsThe word organic was enough to warrant the purchase of three in four respondents, while three in five were more readily swayed by the words all natural. The problem is labeling guidelines permits the advertisement of organic even if only one ingredient in the product is actually organic in otherwise unhealthy food. Young Americans were discovered to be uniquely hip to these brand machinations. The Onepoll survey showed that 56% of respondents between the ages of 18 and 24 said they have zero faith in food advertisement. The report offers an interesting silver lining. In the midst of a pandemic love of sweetened beverages, processed pastries, and fast food, Americans both want to eat better and are relatively keen and correctly worried about all of the sleight of hand tricks employed by a sizeable portion of food manufacturers. Seventy-two percent of respondents said they genuinely fear unwi ttingly consuming pesticides. Control of our food is the greatest control of all if we know what we apply to our soils, we know what is growing out of our soils, we have the peace of mind of knowing our food is clean, Shammas concluded.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
7 Tips to Make Networking Less Awkward
7 Tips to Make Networking Less Awkward7 Tips to Make Networking Less Awkward3Networking. The very word sends shudders through me, and Im an extrovert. I can only imagine what it does to those who are introverted or shy by nature.The thing is, networking actually works. Awkward as some of these events are, the concept of being able to meet multiple business people at one time, in one place, for what might lead to mutually beneficial connections in the future, is brilliant.Whether youre an entrepreneur or someone in sales, an author or an artist, or perhaps youre looking to find a new career, these organized speed-dating type events can be just the flugticket to opening new doors and launching you toward future success. It just doesnt always feel that way.So, what are some things you can do to make the whole experience less awkward and mora fulfilling?Here are 7 suggestions to make networking less awkwardChoose wisely. Be selective about what events you attend. Not all networking event s are equal. Take time to do some research and dig in a little as to who else might attend, where the event is being held, how big it will be, and so on. I once attended an event that I thought would fit my purposes and found myself in an exceedingly awkward place, at a terrible bar with two other participants who were truly only interested in hearing themselves talk. I couldnt extricate myself fast enough.Decide why. Decide why you want to go in the first place and set a goal before you go. For example, decide how many connections you would like to make and aim for that number throughout the course of the event.Practice your openers. Before you get there, be sure to practice your elevator pitch and your opening lines or conversation starters to make networking less awkward. Use the fantastic communication tool of curiosity. Ask open-ended questions such as, How did you get involved in what youre doing now? Or, Tell me more about what youre hoping to accomplish this year. This takes the pressure off you and allows people to share and be heard. Listen well.Move around. Try not to hide by the bar or get stuck with the same people all evening. Remember your goal and dont be afraid to say, Im really glad to have met you, and lets be sure to follow up. Im going to move around and meet some more people now, and you likely want to do the same. Have a great night. Honesty works well.Bring your cards. You arent going to want to share your business card with everyone you meet but have them ready for those you do want to follow up with. Cards are a great way to get the persons name down and, of course, to follow up with after.Smile a lot. Smiling opens you up to being approached and makes it easier to connect. If you cant remember if youve met someone already (an awkward situation that happens to me sometimes) or if you cant recall the persons name, begin with, Have I met you yet? I find this line works really well and gives us both an out if we have met.Take notes. Have a pen funktelefon and write a note on the back of cards of those you want to follow up with so that you can sort them later. Take a couple of moments at a table or in the corner to do that in between conversations or getting a drink or snack. It will save you time later. After the event, make more detailed notes so that you can devise a follow-up plan to actually connect with those youre interested in. There isnt much point in attending a networking event if you dont follow up afterwards.Those are my seven main suggestions for making networking a little smoother and more enjoyable. One last idea is to be sure to eat dinner first, as its definitely awkward to hold a plate of food worry about stuff getting stuck in your teeth balancea plate, cards, a drink, and shakehands and movearound the room without spilling something.I eat a proper meal first and grab one or two finger-food bites here and there, sometimes as a good excuse to get out of a dull conversation or to move on to more p eople. (Im going to grab a bite, nice talking to you.) And be wary of drinking too much at these events. You want to stick to your preset goals, meet several people, and make meaningful connections, which is all done more easily when youre unclouded and razor sharp.Heres to your next networking event- may you make networking less awkward and much more beneficial to your future success.Jennifer Swanson is the author of a best-selling new book,What They See How to Stand Out and Shine in Your New Job. She has taught communication and human relation skills since 1993 to college students entering the medical field. Shes also the creator and host of the Communication Diva Podcast, which has an international audience and helps people deepen workplace and personal relationships through more effective communication. Swanson has a masters degree in public and pastoral leadership and is a certified conflict coach and master computerlinguistik practitioner. Shes also a mother and stepmother to two young adults and two teens- and to a four-legged hairy little beast named Bandit. You can connect with Jennifer on Twitter JennSwanson2 and on iTunes with the Communication Diva Podcast.
Friday, December 20, 2019
5 misconceptions about workplace culture and how to make a difference
5 misconceptions about workplace culture and how to make a difference5 misconceptions about workplace culture and how to make a differenceWorkplace culture is both a hotandimportant topic in the world today. Companies, organizations, and government agencies are all struggling with the reality that they have seriously unhealthy workplace cultures. Yet many people (including leaders) have significant misconceptions about what creates workplace culture and whether or not (or how) it can be changed. Frequent results of ansicht misconceptions include a) individuals within the organization giving up trying to improve the culture because they view the situation as hopeless b) they want to do something to make a difference but dont know where to start, or c) their attempts to change the culture are so misguided that their efforts are totally wasted. (Some of the approaches are analogous to trying to fix an overheated car engine by changing a tire on the car.)Lets look at these misconceptions and then address what individuals within an organizationcando to start to make a difference.Misconception 1 Culture in an organization is so big, gnarly and complex that it cant be changed.Some individuals (especially in larger companies and organizations) look at the current life of an organization and feel overwhelmed with the complexity of the problems. They conclude the problem is too big to be addressed for the organization to be able to change. This is clearly not the case. Huge organizations of various fontshavetaken a self-assessment, seen that there are significant problems that need to be addressed and started on a path to successfully change.Misconception 2 The only way to change an organizations culture is to do a total restart (or kill the organization).People sometimes reach this conclusion because they observe companies and organizations changing significantly after they have had a significant event (for example, a bankruptcy) which requires them to totally reorganiz e and reformulate the organization. Other times, they see that a new company is birthed after a formerly large unhealthy one dies, and out of the ashes comes a new renovated variation of the former company. While this can be a way that a workplace culture can change, we obviously dont want to essentially amputate major parts of the company in order to make it healthy (although this is occasionally needed).Misconception 3 No one person can really impact their workplaces culture very much.This belief is held by some because of the incredible staying power that an existing culture has. Many cultures can feel almost immovable. This conclusion is also reached because individuals believe that culture is an external entity that essentiallyhappensto an organization. The reality is workplace culture is the result of the combination of thousands of individual interactions between hundreds or thoughts of individual employees.Misconception 4 A dysfunctional corporate culture is best revamped by changing the leadership at the top.While leadership at the topmayneed to be changed, doing this single action in no way guarantees any type of change will occur within the corporate culture. This is evidenced by the large number of companies who have recently had toxic cultures, changed their leadership, but the cultural patterns continue (usually because the leaders underneath them have the same values and approaches the senior leaders did).Misconception 5 Culture is easy to change.There are also people who simplistically believe, all we need to do is be more positive and a negative culture will magically transform. Cultureiscomplex and, in many cases, is difficult to change. But, when the people within an organization understand what comprises culture and then start a systematic approach to changing those factors which help shape culture, change can happen.How is culture changed, then?As indicated above, the first step is to empower people to change their individual behavior. If each individual employee, supervisor, manager, or executive takes responsibility for themselves to make small, but consistent, changes in their behavior over time, an organizations culture can begin to morph to a healthier state of being.Secondly, culture is also highly influenced by structure (communication patterns, decision making styles, expectations for daily functioning), as well as repeatedly proclaiming the mission of the organization along with the priorities and values by which that mission will be obtained. A company may have a mission to serve their clients and provide a reasonable return on investors investment buthowthat is accomplished (and the values on which the actions are based) will significantly impact what the corporate culture becomes.Third, there are a number of other critical elements that leaders often forget- the need for community, the power of visual symbols, how music, food, and celebrating organizational successes. Rituals (those actions which are done repeatedly without thinking) and traditions fill in the remaining parts of what an organizations culture looks like.If you are interested in trying to help refashion your organizations culture, start to reflect on howyourdaily actions may influence the aspects of your workplaces culture you dont like and see what ways you can start behaving differently that could begin to make a difference. Youcaninfluence the interactions around you, and ultimately, begin to affect change in your overall organizational culture.This article first appeared on Appreciation at Work.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
How To Handle Being Fired On Your Resume
How To Handle Being Fired On Your ResumeHow To Handle Being Fired On Your ResumeHow To Handle Being Fired On Your ResumeJust because you were let go from a job doesnt mean that you cant include the experience on your resume. Well explain how to turn a negative into a positive. Resumes Dont Include Why You Were Fired or QuitSurprised? Dont worry, youre not alone. One of the most popular questions the experts at Resume Genius face on a regular basis is that of how to deal with being fired from a job or quitting a job on their resume. This seems like such a common problem weve decided to create a simple guide to help job seekers understand how to deal with leaving their old jobs on their resume.The problem is all-to-common and goes something likeI was fired from my last jobBeing fired from a job isnt necessarily indicative of being a bad worker or being an underperformer. In fact, the term being let go is attached to an overly negative stigma from a resume experts perspective.There coul d be multiple reasons a good employee may be fired. From poor management, office politics, and lack of leadership to simple downsizing, many job seekers who are looking for jobs are actually high caliber talent and should present themselves in just such a way. So just how does one go about creating a resume to reflect this all?The Wrong ApproachIncluding why you were fired under each position in your professional experience section is not only the incorrect place to state such information it also overshadows the positive elements on your resume and reduces your chance at landing an interview.The Correct ApproachThe resume is a place to detail achievements, skills and knowledge, not failures. Your resume should focus on the positive, up-selling yourself as an applicant. The place to explain your current situation and why you are applying to the position is actually in your titel letter, not in the resume itself.Resume Expert TipsAvoid using the word fired, as its probably the worst p ossible way to frame your leaving your last employer. Instead, try some of these phrases to describe your separationMutual beneficial separationOutgrew my previous roleEmployer downsizedCompany restructuringCost cuttingDecided to go our separate waysLeft on good termsOur paths divergedOur long-term goals differedWording is so important in resume writing, as it can mean the different between a relatively positive impression and a negative, or skeptical impression at worse from hiring managers.Ultimately, its best not to focus on negatives when composing your resume. Instead, focus on the positives and leave any potential negatives for the interview where you can apply a glass half full mentality in how the questions are addressed.If you are applying for an entry-level job and the job application asks why you left your previous job avoid flat out saying you were fired and instead use some of the more positive synonyms mentioned previously.Never lie to try to cover up the source of a p revious termination, as this only creates professional liabilities that could easily surface and be a detriment to your career later on. Its a bad idea to invest in building a history with a company when all of your achievements could easily be toppled because of an unnecessary lie.Remember, the job of the resume is to simply land you the interview, so dont worry about potential negatives and just build an attractive, interview-winning resume.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
A Startling Fact about Perfectresume Uncovered
A Startling Fact about Perfectresume Uncovered So individuals who like My Perfect Resume and wish to keep it should consider this choice. While My Perfect Resume provides you the wording, it cant offer you all of the details necessary to make your resume standout. In general, My Perfect Resume appears to be well worth checking out if you must jump start your work search or you are becoming discouraged with your progress. Take a look at our assortment of contemporary templates and get started creating an effective resume immediately. Building a resume isnt a task youll be able to leave up to chance. I used to not read anything about registering for a month-to-month program. If thats the case, Jones advises, Even if youre relatively inexperienced, showing that youre confident and can help right now is essential. Youve got to compose several academic papers over the span of a year. What Perfectresume Is - and What it Is Not Besides your LinkedIn account, the perfect resume should incorporate any links that are related to your work, like a personal site, portfolio, or blog. Apart from consulting My Perfect Resume reviews, everyone can visit the website and find three primary steps for using the service. A good can be difficult to discover so here is a good sample resume to assist you begin. Crafting a resume that grabs the interest of HR managers is paramount if youre to find the job. Hiring raw talent and the proper attitude has ever worked better for me. HR will be quite so impressed with your resume they might even ask how you built it. Think about your resume from the view of HR. New Questions About Perfectresume Moreover, take a look at your resume. Differentiate yourself be a powerful resume. Customers love that all our resumes arrive with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and FREE revisions for as much as 30 days. Go straight for whats related to you. Furthermore, prices are very high, and I suppose that its possible to find cheaper se rvice. Exactly like a commercial is intended to make you wish to buy what the seller is selling, your resume should be designed to earn a hiring manager want to speak to you The primary problem is there are many scam businesses, and you need to prevent these. To prevent this recurring problem, make certain you cancel the service should you not need to continue to cover it. Its extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you would like to steer clear of low high quality services. This service is basically a scam. Resume writing services will always assist you with the very best quality resumes so you can present your prospective employer that youre eager for the job and therefore youve written a well-framed resume for him to judge you. Show employers that youre current and produce an excellent first impression by selecting the proper template. Writing a resume isnt as straightforward Resume writing is not quite as easy as it appears, as you need to th ink about different things while writing a resume. An excellent editing job will take just a little longerand some particular tactics intended to catch resume errors. The mixture of our templates and your input is likely to make your resume fly to the peak of any pile. Most Noticeable Perfectresume Take a look at our writing services reviews and find out how top rated essay writing companies do the job. It takes only 5 minutes to read a review and discover out whatever you have to know about that business. Just because youre shy or introverted doesnt mean that you cant begin networking in the manner of a boss. Finding the Best Perfectresume It is a kind of do-it-yourself online resume builder. But this doesnt mean there are some rules that you will need to follow too. Another excellent source is your wertzuwachs evaluations in case you have them. With this sort of competition, you want to get a flawless resume to acquire through the screening approach. Men and women who know and love youre excited to be in a position to finally aid you with something as you have never asked them before The majority of the folks are looking ways to make the perfect resume however the majority of them are not conscious of that theres no such concept as perfect resume since they should vary in accord with the work position youre applying. These things may have changed since you last applied for work. With this much riding on your resume, it is reasonable seek out expert assistance. Bear in mind this specific template is perfect for people with some or significant work experience only. Create a master resume that will do the job for an assortment of positions. But remember how you format your resume is extremely important based on how much experience youve got, or in case you have any job gaps.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
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Saturday, November 30, 2019
Are Promotions Really Good for Employee Morale
Are Promotions Really Good for Employee MoraleA new year has dawned and your 2013 resolutions might have included boosting employee morale. Perhaps your workplace morale is a little lacking or youd like to see more employee engagement. Whatever the reason, you might be considering using promotions to boost morale and make employees just a little bit happier.Sounds like a great plan, right? Maybe not.Why promotions might not be the best fix for employee moraleIn todays tough economy, its possible your company just cant afford to give everyone whos great at your company a higher salary. So many companies choose to give great employees a fancier job title in the hopes this will help retain talent. According to a survey from WorldatWork, about 20 percent of responders gave out promotions without offering any kind of pay increase.However, if this title doesnt come with appropriate perks, it might actually cause more problems than it solves. With their fancy job title in tow, your supersta r employee might be networking with similarly titled peers and realize that, given their title, where they fall in your company food chain is not where they would expect to be.You might have also accidentally given your employee the ammo they need to leave your company behind in the dust. By giving them a fancy job title, your goal was to boost employee engagement and workplace morale. But once they learn a pay raise isnt forthcoming, this fancy promotion might actually be the tool they use to leverage another job. Now they have a fancy job title to mention in their video resume application to another company.Ways to boost morale without fancy job titlesThe first step before handing out promotions as a lure for increased employee engagement is to ask yourself can we really afford everything which naturally goes along with this promotion? If the answer is yes, then by all means hand out fancy job titles because you have the raises and growth opportunities to back them up.Your employe e engagement and workplace morale is sure to improve because youre recognizing good work. More importantly, with growth opportunities on the horizon, more of your talent is likely to stay in the office.If the answer is no, like it is for many companies affected by the economic downturn, dont give out job titles like candy on Halloween. Instead, focus on improving employee engagement without artificially raising employees expectations.Work to boost morale by being more available to employees and providing more feedback. The Millennial generation in particular loves feedback in the workplace and many Millennial employees (and indeed employees of all generations) desire a workplace mentor.To boost morale, you should also consider offering opportunities for learning and growth. Allow employees from your entry-level talent to your all-star players to take classes, gain certifications and learn new skills while on the job. Just because you cant offer employees a step up in pay or responsi bility doesnt mean you cant offer them the chance to learn new skills or take on new tasks.Employees want to be challenged in their job and they want an opportunity to grow in their careers. If you provide these opportunities youll boost morale and help your company retain the top employees you need- no fancy job titles required.What are some ways you can improve employee morale without promotions? Share in the commentsIMAGE Courtesy of Flickr by thetaxhaven.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
IT Hiring Trends and Retention Tips
IT Hiring Trends and Retention TipsIT Hiring Trends and Retention TipsTech hiring has been growing over the last few years, and Robert Half Technologys State of U.S. Tech Hiring points to more of the same in the first half of 2019.Sixty-three percent of technology leaders surveyed expect to add members to their teams in the first half of the year another 95 percent of those surveyed said they will bring on interim or project professionals. (See the infographic below for more survey results.)The survey results also demonstrate that the hiring environment continues to be active and many businesses are struggling to find the people they need to fill open jobs and advance their technology initiatives. Eighty-seven percent of IT executives in our survey said its challenging to find skilled technology professionals today.Hiring? We can helpSTART HIRING NOWTop tech priorities and skills in demandNearly all (97 percent) of technology leaders in the U.S. are confident in their companies prosp ects for growth in 2019. Top priorities for them include maintaining IT systems security, investing in new technology, and focusing on innovation to help grow business and cloud projects.Its no surprise then, when asked to identify the skills needed most urgently by their organizations, tech leaders saidCybersecurityrechnerwolke securityCloud computingCloud architectureRetention is key in a competitive hiring environmentThe most effective IT staffing strategy starts with a strong retention plan. Ninety percent of IT leaders surveyed are retraining or upskilling current employees for in-demand skills. Thats a good approach because it shows an employers commitment to each persons professional growth. It doesnt hurt that retraining can also help meet the companys need for hard-to-find skills.Here are some retention strategies to considerSchedule regular one-on-one sessions with employees to increase communication and address job satisfaction proactively. Its important to recognize that IT team members have many options in the job market and will look elsewhere if their career needs arent being met.Conduct a thorough compensation analysis to ensure your salaries are competitive. Again, your staff probably has options in the marketplace, and if they feel theyre not being compensated competitively, they may move on.Know what else engages your employees in addition to salary. Top benefits and incentives might include the ability to learn and grow (see reskilling mentioned above), the opportunity to work on interesting projects, bonus or stock options, advancement opportunities and more vacation time.Dont forget how important your company culture is. Check out our report to find out what you can do to make sure your employees love where they work.Finally, when it comes to hiring IT pros, streamline your hiring process as much as possible. Make sure youre offering a competitive salary and dont drag out the hiring process waiting for the perfect candidate. You may lose promising tech professionals to other firms.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Best Questions to Ask Your Interviewer to Get Hired
Best Questions to Ask Your Interviewer to Get HiredBest Questions to Ask Your Interviewer to Get HiredAt the end of an interview, you might be asked if you have any questions. While there is a possibility you might come up with a few questions during the interview, it is always a good idea to have some questions already prepared. Learn mora about why interviewers ask if you have any questions and the best questions to ask your interviewer.The best questions to ask your interviewerThe following best questions to ask your interviewer during your interview are open-ended but focused on a specific topic.What is the next step in the hiring process?What does a typical day look like in this punkt?What types of training programs are available to employees?What do you like best about working for this company?What is the typical career path for someone in this position?Why is this position available?Where do you think the company is headed in the next five years?What are the biggest opportunit ies facing the company right now?What are the biggest challenges facing the company right now?What is the next step in the hiring process?Asking about the next step in the hiring process shows that you are eager to move forward and excited about the prospect of working for this company. It can also give you a good idea of the hiring timeline so you know when to follow up.Learn moraComplete Guide to Common Interview Questions and AnswersWhat does a typical day look like in this position?Knowing about the typical day gives you an opportunity to learn about the daily responsibilities of the position so you can decide if you are truly interested. By learning more about the daily tasks you would be expected to complete, you can figure out what additional skills are needed for the job.What types of training programs are available to employees?Since you will be starting a new position, it is important to know what types of training programs are available. You can also ask about professiona l development programs to make sure you have opportunities for growth with the company.What do you like best about working for this company?Asking your interviewer about their personal experience with the company gives you an opportunity to learn more about the companys culture from someone who is actually there.What is the typical career path for someone in this position?By asking about the typical career path for someone in the position you are interviewing for, you can find out if the company usually promotes from within and if the position lines up with your own career goals. It also shows your interest in growing with the company.Why is this position available?Asking why the position you are interviewing for is available can give you some good insight. Knowing whether the position has a high turnover or whether it is open because of internal advancement can tell you more about the company.Where do you think the company is headed in the next five years?Knowing where the company is headed in the next five years helps you find out if the position fits into your overall career goals and lets you make sure you can grow with the company.What are the biggest opportunities facing the company right now?Asking about the biggest opportunities the company faces can give you an idea about the path the company will be taking over the next few months and how you fit into that path. What are the biggest challenges facing the company right now?You might also want to ask about the biggest challenges the company is facing. This question can help you learn more about issues and trends in the industry and possibly identify areas where your skills can help.Learn MoreHow to Answer the Whats Your Greatest Weakness? Interview QuestionInterview tips to help you prepareThe following helpful tips can also assist you during the interview process.See alsoHow to Answer Why Do You Want to Work Here Interview QuestionResearch the company.Researching the company before you enter the inter view will help you understand its culture and values. Use what you learned during your research to create some solid questions that show you have prepared for the interview.Practice answering common interview questions.While every interview is different, many interviewers will ask the same common interview questions. Take some time practicing your response so you feel more confident during the interview.Learn MoreHow to Answer What Does Customer Service Mean to You Interview QuestionBring a notebook.Since you will need to have about 10 questions prepared to ask, consider writing them down in a notebook that you can bring to interview. Having a notebook will also give you a chance to take notes that you can use when crafting your follow-up email.Even if you feel confident about your interview, your interviewer will expect you to ask some questions. Be prepared with open-ended questions that will help you determine if the job is right for you.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Two Salary Secrets for Flexible Job Applicants - FlexJobs
Two Salary Secrets for Flexible Job Applicants - FlexJobs Two Salary Secrets for Flexible Job Applicants Online since 1997, WorkOptions has helped thousands of professionals get quick approval of a flexible work arrangement at their current job. You already understand the time and flexibility appeal of a part-time or telecommuting job. But pay is important, too, right? Hereâs what you need to know to get both flexibility and a fair or even fabulous salary. Salary Secret #1: Negotiate salary based on the job requirements, not the flexibility factor. Job flexibility is not a substitute for a fair wage, even though you put high value on it. Once you have a firm job offer, negotiate your starting salary recognizing that, while flexibility is a desirable part of the job, itâs not a replacement for a fair wage. Otherwise, if youâre not careful, you could fall into the trap that trades money for flex and time freedom. The trap sounds like this: âThe pay is lower than average, but I get to work from home two days out of the week.â âIâm not sure what the going rate is for the position, but the hours are great.â âWhen I worked full-time at a similar job, the hourly pay was 12% higher. But Iâm okay with less because itâs a part-time position. Working three days a week is a gift.â Sound familiar? You have plenty of company. In a recent survey, close to half of employees said they would be willing to give up some salary for more flexibility at work. But donât do it. No matter your schedule or where you get the work done, the value you bring to your job should be rewarded in wages which reflect the fair âmarket valueâ for the position. Let me explain. If you have a used car to sell, the Kelley Blue Book is the familiar third-party resource that both buyer and seller use to determine the carâs fair market value. The dollar range is based on the carâs year, make, model, condition and even geographic location. Itâs not an arbitrary figure; thereâs market demand to support it. Likewise, the job position youâre applying for (or currently in) also has a market value, a salary range based on demand, job requirements, training, experience and geographic area. Your particular background and achievements influence where your market value stands within that range. Which brings us to the second salary secret. Salary Secret #2: Know and use the job positionâs market value range when negotiating your salary. Determining it is one of your critical job interview research tasks. Youâll use it when engaging in salary negotiations. The market value serves as a starting point or an anchor for negotiating your total pay package. That pay package may include some attractive employee benefits. Knowing your market value range allows you to be flexible in negotiating to a final salary figure giving due consideration to employee benefits without dropping below the bottom of the range. In other words, you can compromise to a degree without conceding too much. If you donât know your market value, you have virtually no basis from which to negotiate because the anchor point is missing. Why is this so important, especially for women? Women are not socialized to negotiate and are quicker than men to accept the first figure offered without negotiating it to reflect market value. When a starting salary offer is made within the market value range, women have been shown to concede a final figure too early even when their experience would warrant the higher end of the range. This costs them thousands of dollars and impacts their earning power for decades! Hiring managers of both genders know this about women and itâs not unusual for them to extend offers below or at the low end of the market value range. Ouch! The remedy? Researchers have found that women can improve their negotiation results substantially when they use third-party market information to set their goals. Thatâs why itâs important to know your market value numbers before negotiating! Then use the information during your salary negotiation. How to Estimate the Market Value Range of a Job To get the figures you need, I recommend you use the following: The Salary Wizard found at and other helpful tools found at PayScale, Glassdoor and Job Search Intelligence Market value information that might be provided by your professional association. Inquire of the local, regional and national offices for any salary data they have The collection of salary surveys provided at the Job Star website Got some numbers? Does it match post-recession realities where you live and work? Why not go a few steps further to validate it with current local data? For example, maybe you or a colleague have recently researched or applied for other jobs in your area and learned the salary range being offered. Call the human resources departments of nearby employers which have a similar job position to the one youâre applying for. They might not be forthcoming with salary figures, but if you persist and ask for a range, you could surface valuable information. The salary figures you find generally reflect a full-time position as an employee, with benefits. So if, for example, youâre applying for a part-time position of 24 hours a week, first figure the pro-rated 60% amount, or the corresponding hourly rate of the full-time salary, and negotiate from that anchor point. (Note: A different set of negotiation guidelines apply if youâre a freelancer, contractor, or part-time employee with no or few benefits.) Flexibility is Not a Perk; Itâs a Business Strategy We are past the days of flexible work arrangements being considered an accommodation or âperkâ for parents. They appeal to all types of people, and savvy employers recognize workplace flexibility as a smart business strategy driving employee recruitment, retention, engagement, productivity and even health improvements. Remember that when negotiating your salary at a flexible job. Focus on the market value of the job position and the merits you bring to it. With that combination, you can have flexibility and a fair wage.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
6 unexpected lessons my children taught me about being a leader
6 unexpected lessons my children taught me about being a leader 6 unexpected lessons my children taught me about being a leader On International Womenâs Day, our team at ThirdLove spent time talking about the women we admire. We heard about moms, grandmas, sisters, wives, and best friends.I chose my daughter, Sloane.Sloane is four and a half years old, and sheâs been doing something lately that really makes me proud. Whenever I take her somewhere, and she sees a woman (only a woman, interestingly) working at a certain job - pilot, massage therapist, Lyft driver - she immediately decides thatâs what she wants to do.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Laddersâ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!After she saw a female dentist, she spent the next three days saying she wanted to be a âteeth cleaner.âIn her mind, she can do anything. And thatâs so incredible to see. I get to watch her jump from job to job without ever thinking thereâs something she canât do.From me, I hope she learns that she can be a founder and a leader. But tru thfully, both my kids have taught me a lot more about leadership than they probably realize.Hereâs what Iâve learned from them:1. Every day is a new dayOne of our company mottos actually is, âEvery day is a new day.â Thatâs the mentality we want our team to have.Kids live and breathe that motto.To them, itâs not even day to day. Every hour- every minute- is new. Kids live in the moment, and they have an amazing ability to take a situation, reframe it, and move on.Thatâs a mindset you have to strive for as a leader. You canât be too focused on the past or the future. You have to come into work each day and treat the present like itâs the only thing that matters.2. Put passion and energy into everything you do.Young children are so enthusiastic about whatever it is theyâre doing. Theyâre just so happy to be alive, to be active and enjoying the world around them.So often we think of our daily life as a grind, a routine that we have to put ourselves through over an d over. But my kids remind me to get excited about the opportunities that come each day.Seeing the way they approach each day and each activity is a good hint to stay dedicated and passionate about my own work.3. If you set your mind to something, you can do it.Part of being a selfless leader is following through. If you say youâll make something happen, you do. No matter what.Kids are incredible at taking on challenges when they put their minds to it. When my daughter was about two-and-a-half years old, she became obsessed with the monkey bars. I noticed her intently watching the kids playing on them, focusing on their movements.After a while, she just figured it out. She tried it again and again- and at three years old she could do the whole set of monkey bars.There are very few things in life you canât do if you work hard and stay focused on your goal. Itâs all about how much research you do, how much effort you put in, and how dedicated you are to making something happen.4 . Be thoughtful about your relationshipsI was more selfish before I had kids. Many people are. You donât realize how much you focus on yourself until you have someone who depends on you for absolutely everything.My children have taught me to be more thoughtful about my relationships and more sensitive to what people at my company need at any moment in time. Life is full of ups and downs. Maybe someone is going through a divorce. Maybe theyâre taking care of a sick parent.Whatever the case, a real leader makes sure people have time to take care of personal needs and be present for the moments that truly matter.5. Efficiency is a necessityKids take up nearly all of your free time. And because you have less time for yourself, youâre forced to operate more efficiently. There are certain things you just donât have time to contemplate anymore.As a founder, thatâs actually helped me in some ways. I used to spend days focused on certain issues. But now, I make a decision and move on. I donât have time to ruminate over all the potential downsides or pitfalls.Becoming fixated on one problem for too long can actually be detrimental for a leader. Even if you make a mistake, you have to move on quickly.6. Learn to adapt and stay resilientThe way kids adapt to new situations is amazing.You know what I mean if youâve ever dropped off a child for their first day of preschool. They almost always cry. Your care has been the only world theyâve ever known. And now theyâre being dropped off in a foreign environment with teachers and other kids they donât know. Itâs a nightmare.But by the next morning, or a few days later, theyâre excited to go back. All it takes is a day or two for them to adapt to the environment and get over their fear.Adults arenât as good at that. As we get older, we become set in our ways. And we arenât as resilient when weâre thrown into a new situation. But leaders have to rise to challenges and adapt to new circumstances. Th ey have to be a little more like children on the second day of preschool, ready to meet new people and take on the monkey bars.This article originally appeared on Quora. You might also enjoy⦠New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklinâs daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people
Monday, November 18, 2019
4 Ways to Overcome the Ums, Likes, and Aahs in Your Job Interview
4 Ways to Overcome the Ums, Likes, and Aahs in Your Job Interview 4 Ways to Overcome the Ums, Likes, and Aahs in Your Job Interview Are your interview spiels full of âums,â âlikes,â and âaahs?â Then this blog post is for you. We encounter a lot of professionals who unconsciously use these filler words. When they use âum,â âahh,â âyou know,â and âlikeâ once or twice, there really isnât an issue. In some ways, it makes people sound like they studied their words carefully before speaking. Itâs when they keep repeating them â" thatâs when the problem arises. Why? It kills their credibility, making them sound like teenagers instead of professionals. So how do you overcome the âums,â âlikes,â and âaahs?â Here are 4 ways: Speech Rhythm When you donât plan and organize what you want to say in an interview, you ramble or use unstudied speech. If your thoughts are organized before going on your interview, you will speak better. Ritchelle Blanco Dejolde, a presentation and speech improvement trainers suggest that you chunk your sentences before you speak and then pause for a second or two. This will help you create a rhythm when you talk. For example: spoken words / break / spoken words / break. If you can maintain this rhythm throughout the interview, the âumâsâ and âaahsâ will fade away. Make a recording Have you ever recorded yourself delivering a speech? It can be brutally painful to do this but it is absolutely necessary. Listening to your own voice and hearing your mistakes is an eye opener. If you listen well, and study yourself, and all the little fillers you use, you will be astonished at how often you use them. These are called speech crutches and once you learn what yours are, you will be more careful not to use them the next time you sit down for a job interview. Use pre-planned transitional fillers When you say the filler âum,â youâre telling the interviewer that you are still gathering your thoughts and that your train of thought is incomplete. Use transitional phrases instead. Instead of âum,â use âmoving on,â or âletâs talk about,â or âanother valid point isâ¦Ã¢ In the beginning it will sound a little fake, but if you practice these phrases, you will start sounding more natural. Use tip number two here as well. Make eye contact When you apply making sincere eye contact throughout a job interview, you are less likely to use these filler words because itâs really awkward to say âumâ when youâve locked eyes with the interviewer. Try it on a friend or a spouse before your interview. Position your body and gaze directly into their eyes with engaging attention and have them ask you interview questions. It may feel a little silly but you will also find that you use your filler crutches a lot less. With consistent practice of these effective strategies, you will lessen the need to use these credibility stealing fillers in no time.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Time Management Secrets
Time Management Secrets Time Management Secrets There is no one secret to time management. In fact, there are three time management secrets. They are easy to learn and remember. The hard part is making yourself use them consistently. Do that, however, and you will master the time management secrets and you will get more done in your business and in your life. The Three Secrets of Time Management There are three key elements of time management. You have to focus first on using your limited amount of time on the most important things. You have to use that time efficiently. And you have to actually do those things instead of just talking or thinking about them. Do The Right Things First Perhaps the most important of the time management secrets is to do the right things first. Its easy to lose focus and spend a lot of time on things that are urgent, but not important. The trick is to stay focused on the important things and not waste your limited amount of time on anything else. The 80/20 Rule, also known as Paretos Principle, says that 20 percent of something always are responsible for 80 percent of the results. For example, twenty percent of the products will have eighty percent of the flaws. This article explains the rule in more detail and tells how you can use it to more effectively manage time and many different aspects of your life.You can save time by knowing when to step in and when to hang back if an employee has a problem. Managers need to let employees make their own mistakes so they can learn from them. We can train them and advise them, but actual experience is often the best teacher. A good manager, therefore, will hang back and resist the impulse to jump in every time an employee encounters difficulty. One time you cant hang back is the difficult employee. Many managers struggle with managing difficult employees. You may be tempted to not deal with them and hope the situation will get better on its own. It wont. These types of tasks will take less time if you address them immediately instead of waiting and then having to spend more time on them later. Use Time Efficiently Even when you master the time management secret of only working on the important tasks, you still need to be efficient with your time if you want to get everything done. You Cant Really Multitask. The author used to be a major fan of multi-tasking, but hes become a convert to chunking. The name isnt as exciting, but the results are impressive. Use Chunking Instead of Multi-tasking and you will get more done in less time.Many people try using to do lists to help them with time management. Still there somehow never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. You have to use a to-do list that helps you stick with your priorities. Here is the system that has worked for me. It can work for you too. One final key to using your time efficiently is to not take on more than you can handle. Many times, that means knowing when to say no to your boss. Get Things Done You know the importance of doing the right things first and you are good at using your time efficiently. But neither of those will do you any good without the third time management secret: you have to actually get things done. It is not enough to know what to do, to think about doing something, or to talk about doing it. You have to actually get things done. Dont let analysis paralysis keep you from getting things done. Planning is an important part of the job we do, but it is not an end goal. Donât let the process get in the way of results. Do your planning, but dont lose sight of the need to get the job done. Bottom Line There are three time management secrets. Focus first on the most important things. Use time efficiently. And actually get things done. The more you use these, the more you will get done on what really matters.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Differences Between Chief and Assistant Curators
The Differences Between Chief and Assistant Curators The Differences Between Chief and Assistant Curators Within the world of art curation, there is a pretty well-established hierarchy. In addition to an educational background in art history, most museum curators are knowledgeable in art and culture, including current trends. Many have training in another area of the humanities, like literature or philosophy. But theres much more to the job of an art curator than just cataloging paintings and arranging exhibits. In the modern era, art curators need to wear many hats. If they hope to rise to the position of chief curator, theyll need to be skilled in business strategies, such as hiring staff, managing a budget and overseeing assets and resources. What Does a Curator Do? Curators are often the voice of the museum they represent, especially when it comes to high-profile exhibits and collections, so they need to have some marketing and public relations talents. Theyre skilled and polished communicators, who must feel comfortable being the museums liaison between the artist or art owner and the museums audience and general public. Another critical skill that curators need in the 21st century is fundraising experience. Art museums, especially smaller ones, have to be creative and nimble when it comes to juggling resources, and an ability to persuade philanthropic donors to give is highly valuable. But perhaps the qualification that serves art museum curators best is experience. This is where an assistant curators skill set is going to differ from that of a chief curator. Chief Curators Run the Show Think of the chief art curator like a movie director. He or she has to oversee all details of a production, organizing artists (or actors), which can often feel like herding cats. People skills are paramount; it would be difficult to do the job effectively without the ability to work as part of an often-changing cast of characters. Much like making a movie, it often takes many skilled people to pull off a successful exhibition. Unless theyre especially small and have only one curator, most art museums typically have one chief curator and several assistant curators. The chief curators most basic responsibilities involve overseeing the museums programming, exhibitions, and its permanent collection. Its their vision and their strategy that are most apparent in the museums overall image, so its a powerful job that requires someone with confidence and drive. In addition to managing the exhibitions and permanent collection, chief curators have to oversee staff, including assistants. So an excellent chief-assistant relationship is pretty crucial for things to run smoothly. Assistant Curators Play Backup Assistant curators function more like administrative assistants and help the chief curator fulfill the art museums mission. Theyll be called upon to perform a variety of tasks, and should be prepared to step in for the chief curator when needed. Working as an assistant curator is one in-depth way to learn about art museums. And its a step toward becoming a chief curator. The role of assistant curator is different (and lower on the totem pole) than that of an associate curator. Most associate curators are specialists who work in a specific department of an art museum such as Renaissance art, or Impressionism. Associate curators work ranges from research and cataloging to helping develop the museums permanent collection. Associate curators may also be called upon to help with an exhibition that falls into their area of expertise.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How to Master the Phone Interview
How to Master the Phone Interview How to Master the Phone Interview The path to professional success often begins with a phone interview. In fact, 82 percent of HR managers and working professionals say that phone skills are key to both landing a job and maintaining a sustainable career, according to research from TracFone. For those looking to secure their first professional job, rejoin the workforce or climb the professional ladder, the importance of phone etiquette cannot be understated. To master the phone interview, follow these five tips: Speak clearly. Speaking in a clear, confident voice eliminates potential for miscommunication and provides a positive tone to the call. Be sure to sound upbeat and enthusiastic during the interview â" you can even smile to help with this and use your voice to convey your excitement about the position. Stay connected with the right device. All of the interview preparation in the world wonât save you if your phone fails, so make sure youâre available with a secure line when the call comes through. Keep your resume on hand. Often, hiring managers will reference your resume during the phone interview process. Having a copy handy will help you answer those questions with confidence and ease. You can even make a list of âtalking pointsâ that provide more detail about your background to reference during the call. Ask questions. The interview is meant to be a conversation and two-way process, so itâs important to have a few questions of your own about the company and position for which youâre applying. This will show the interviewer that you donât just want any job, but a long-term career at that company. Itâs also a good opportunity to determine if the job and the company really are the right fit for you. Send a follow-up thank you note. The phone interview doesnât end when you hang up. One of the most important steps to career success is the follow-up. Carefully record who you spoke with and send them a thank you note for taking the time to speak with you. If you have their email address already, use that, or research their contact information on sites like LinkedIn. Reiterate your interest in the position and emphasize why you are a perfect fit. Itâs an important, lasting impression that may help you secure the job and, ultimately, career success.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
James Patterson commencement speech on rejection is part of success
James Patterson commencement speech on rejection is part of success James Patterson commencement speech on rejection is part of success James Patterson is a bestselling thriller and mystery author, known for his Alex Cross series, and has sold more than 375 million books worldwide. Heâs also a literacy advocate, and in 2013 he established The James Patterson Teacher Education Scholarships to support 16 University of Florida College of Education students pursuing careers as elementary or secondary school teachers.Patterson, whose father grew up in the Newburgh Poorhouse in New York, spoke at the University of Floridaâs commencement on themes of rejection, failure, work-life balance, and doing the right thing.âWhen I was 25, I wrote my first novel, a mystery called âThe Thomas Berryman Number,â â Patterson said. âIt was turned down by 31 publishers. It then won an Edgar Award as the âbest first mystery novel of the year.âFollow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Laddersâ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Patterson said that he used to keep a l ist of all the editors who turned down his first novel. âSometimes they send me books and ask for blurbs â" for their authorâs books. Lots of luck with that!â He was just kidding â" Patterson said that he gave them the endorsements.Rejection is especially common for writers, but itâs a normal part of life for everyone, Patterson said.âSooner or later we all have to deal with rejection, and you just have to keep moving forward. Itâs going to happen.â The lesson and the grace that Patterson encapsulates is that heâs learned not to take it personally, become paralyzed by fear or self-doubt, or hold grudges.Just as rejection is a step along the path of life, so, too, will be a failure. Patterson quoted Winston Churchill, saying â âSuccess is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.â Churchill kept improving his story with each failure â" do that. Youâre going to fail sometimes â" keep going.âWhen it came to work-life balance, Patterson s aid, âMany of you will face the problem of balancing work with family. â¦hereâs a story you should try to remember.âImagine life as a game in which you are juggling five balls in the air. You could name them â" work, family, health, friends, spirit â" and somehow youâre keeping all of these balls in the air.âHopefully, you come to understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, believe it or not, it will bounce back.âBut the other four balls â" family, health, friends, spirit â" are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged, maybe even shattered. They will never be the same.âOnce you understand that, maybe, just maybe, you strive for more balance in your lives. Try to do that.âThat said, Patterson has an admirable work ethic, telling the graduating class he wrote every day, 365 days a year. He wrote before he came to give the speech, he said, and heâd write on his way back on the plane. When you f ind your passion â" something he told the students he hoped theyâd also find â" itâs hard to take a day off.You might also enjoy⦠New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklinâs daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How to Dress for a Job Interview at a Media Company
How to Dress for a Job Interview at a Media Company How to Dress for a Job Interview at a Media Company 80% percent of communication is non-verbal according to the Protocol School of Washington, and this includes messages telegraphed with your wardrobe. That old cliché, about not getting a second chance to make a good first impression, is especially true when it comes to job interviews. Before you get a chance to say hello, what you wear on an interview speaks volumes about your personality and level of professionalism. Wearing a Suit In the old days, job applicants had to wear a suit, but today thats not the case. In the world of media, unlike other fields such as finance, people tend to dress down. In other words, people who work in media tend not to wear suits to work every day because the jobs skew more toward creative attire, especially if you work for a fashion magazine, ad agency, or TV network. Although you can forego the suit, you still need to dress professionally in an up-to-date outfit that is clean and fits well. Womenâs Attire Women, especially, have more freedom to veer away from a traditional suit. Skirt suits for women are an appropriate option, as are variations on the skirt suit. A pencil skirt (that hits below the knee and is not too tight) and a tailored blouse work well without a jacket. Pants, paired with a business-like blouse, also works well, in lieu of a traditional pantsuit. Dresses, if they are professional-looking, are another good option as long as their not too dressy. Obviously, cocktail dresses are out of the question. All outfits should be paired with a clean pair of shoes that matches (or compliments) the outfit. A basic pump often works best. A casual shoe or boot with a large, clunky heel should be avoided and of course, sandals and sneakers arent appropriate. Menâs Attire Men have it a lot easier because they have very few options. Men interviewing for media jobs donât need to wear traditional black, gray, or pinstripe suits, but an on-trend casual wool suit in winter and cotton suit in summer is always acceptable. Trousers and a complimentary jacket works well and, depending on how casual the office environment, a tie is optional. However, theres a saying that you can judge a man by his shoes and this couldnt be more important when it comes to the job interview. Shoes must always be in good condition and well-polished. Other Issues More than anything else you want to look professional and presentable. You donât want to look sloppy. Visible tattoos should be covered, earrings that arent in your ears should be removed, and your hair should be neat. Women may want to think about pinning back long hair. You should also make sure you have an appropriate bag for the interview that matches your outfit. Ultimately, think about clean lines. If you look sharp, youâll give off an air of confidence. You want to look like someone whoâs responsible and has their act together. Looking disheveled gives the opposite impression. Company Research Your interview attire should match the corporate culture of the company where youâre interviewing. This means you should research the companyâs corporate culture. While you might not have been to the company, you can glean a lot from the company website. Ask yourself basic questions about the company including what the company does, where theyre located, and whether or not theyre a corporate entity or small start-up. A small design firm in Soho is going to have a different feel than a stodgy consumer product conglomerate. It also always helps to show friends and family some of the outfits youâre considering for your interview, especially if you know someone who works in that industry.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Where to Find Radiologic Technologist Resume
Where to Find Radiologic Technologist Resume Taking the opportunity to work on your resume is critical. Resumes might be organized in various ways. Your resume was created to promote you. Infographic resumes become much more well-known. The Radiologic Technologist Resume Game For example, if you have a substantial employment gap since your final position, you might want to use a functional resume rather than a chronological one. Regardless of the kind of resume you opt for, aim to tailor your resume to the job that you are applying to. You might find yourself sending the same resume to different job applications and although you may think that you are saving time you're really lessening your probability of receiving an interview! Also show you're a well-rounded worker. Focus on these sections to understand whether you meet the requirements for the position. In the end, you wish to attempt to strike a balance between including experience that's both timely and relevant. You must also speak about past experience. Previous experience will compose the most significant portion of your resume. The Most Popular Radiologic Technologist Resume Consider the Resume Dojo HTML resume template if you're searching for a personal site design that has lots of characteristics to display not simply your abilities and education but your hobbies and awards too. Utilizing an HTML template is a wonderful method to begin and to find an expert site up quickly. The mixture of our templates and your input is likely to make your resume fly to the peak of any pile. Whatever template you decide on, you're given the simple design elements as the foundation for your own creation. After the format is filled up to promote your skills, it needs to be capable of make a result. A free of charge resume format is a type of basic test for a work application a specific may have to develop. The peak of your resume should includecritical keyword phrases and a fast snapshot of your core strengths, Leavy-Detrick states. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in comparison to traditional hiring methods. You should invest time into each application and make certain that your resume is tailored to every employer and the job that you're applying to. You could discover some terrific cv templates on the net that you're able to follow. Moreover, you may wind up in work that you can't do. Writing a strong application is a challenging procedure and we would like to make it simpler. The piece you truly need the hiring manager reading is your latest work experience (and be sure you tailored that info to fit the work description). An example may be a niche skill necessary for work, which you might happen to get, but may not be relevant to include for most jobs. Applications which don't use the ideal keywords have a tendency to be automatically rejected. Application services are throughout the net, which means you might attended throughout My Perfect Application. It's quite easy to apply jobs online with very simple steps as there are a wide range of sites, which is offering the jobs you can want to utilize for. Don't neglect to add your professional social networking accounts on Facebook or LinkedIn, especially if you're looking for work in IT or Marketing.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Little-Known Secrets to Resume Meaning
The Little-Known Secrets to Resume Meaning A Secret Weapon for Resume Meaning Ensuring your categories are well organized is a fast approach to help set you in the yes pile and keep you from the trash pile. It's very good to get some intriguing hobbies. Hands-on skills cannot be learned online, and based on which state you reside in, only the theoretical portion of your education can be done online or none whatsoever. Thinking from the box is the most important core of creativity. Concentrate on your abilities and knowledge and show how beneficial it'll be to hire you, and nobody will focus on the shortage of experience listed on your student resume. This form of verb shows your capacity to be successful. Resume Meaning Fundamentals Explained The same as any resume, acover letter has to be tailored to the particular role, company or sector you're applying for. Meanwhile, here are our finest practices to follow when it has to do with formatting your resume. Make sure you're highlighting the most relevant and topical experience essential for the position. Most Noticeable Resume Meaning Obviously, the advantage of a resume builder is you don't need to do all the work yourself, which makes it a speedy and painless alternative. Some individuals have as much knowledge in their field that it's hard to insert all of the information into a one-page resume. The best way to select your resume formati s by reading about each different style and taking a look at the many benefits and disadvantages to learn which resume structure best suits your professional wants and experience. You are also able to get a feeling of the internal language used within a specific industry or company. As soon as you are having the job of producing a solution, attempt to utilize your sense of creativity. Possessing the solution available, you will need to understand how to do it and what steps must implement it. For effective resume building, in addition, it is important to explain which office computer software programs you may utilize. Put simply, to get the goal you'd be seeking out ways to accomplish it before finding solution to the issue. The truth is, acquiring a simple personal website which highlights your abilities and more importantly your personality go a ways to creating a 3 dimensional persona for the hiring manager. It's also important to think about the type of work you really wish to be hired to do. Well, regardless of what stage you're in your career, you're likely to should understand how to make a resume for a job interview and we will explain to you how! You will have to be a little bit of a detective. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. The resume builder itself will deal with it, as it is a predefined template. If you are in need of a quick resume, or would like to observe an example, you can alwaysvisit my shop to discover a resume template which works for you. A Startling Fact about Resume Meaning Uncovered Speaking of unique, the principal purpose of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for the exact same job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also called resume verbs). Most people today look at writing a resume as just something you've got to do to have a job. The sole aim of a resume is to find an interview. You may already tell a couple of things from the example above. Each one takes a different strategy and what works for one won't do the job for a different. Once implemented means it is not the conclusion of your work. The issue is, lots of people don't see it like an art formrather an obligation. Take the time to structure the content. Moreover, a CV will arrive in handy if you prefer to go international. Don't use the exact same CV for each job that you apply for. Take a look at our article on the way to use your job references strategically in case you need more info. Committed Show that you're devoted to your work, begin to finish. It is simpler to scan all the crucial details on the go. Obviously, there are a few skills to add to resume which can be considered recruiters' favorites. Making a list of them is going to make your work simpler. A great deal of well-meaning folks will suggest you ought to use action verbs. For almost whatever you want to include on a resume, there's a category to help organize it. Job descriptions can offer plenty of phrases and key words which you should review. Surely, you will find hundreds of resume examples on the internet to use as patterns.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Resume Address Format Guide
Resume Address Format Guide Use exactly the same name across all on-line profiles you desire the hiring manager to find. In addition, the summary section did not state what I was searching for as an upcoming position, states Morganti, whose name was changed for this makeover. Many modern resumes incorporate an area for you to include things like an expert title directly beneath your name. Based on how much space you must work with, you can place the remainder of your contact details in a couple of lines, located just below your name. Make your name the largest thing on the webpage. It should be at the very top, and should stand out. It should be represented the same way on your business cards, cover letters, email signature, relevant social media channels, blog or portfolio, and so forth. It should be visible at a quick glance. Focus on these sections to understand whether you meet the requirements for the position. Read below for tips about what to put in your contact section and where to place your contact section. Before starting writing, decide which layout you wish to use. Format your resume header at the peak of the webpage. To determine the sort of format that you have to utilize for your resume, you should evaluate your present targets and the kind of details you will need to present to your prospective employer. Below are a couple of examples of how you are able to format the contact information on your resume. A number of the info is subjective. To prevent that possibility, you have to lear n as much as possible about the Canada resume format. It is crucial to speak about what you've done. While Canadian resumes are available in many distinct formats, they share some standards that you ought to know about. Type of Resume Address Format Recent roles ought to be described in detail. You might also incorporate your communication and disciplinary abilities, in addition to highlight how patient you're with your students. For some jobs, you will want to highlight certain abilities, while for others, you will want to demonstrate related experience. The further skills can be in accord with the job or completely different. The Foolproof Resume Address Format Strategy Make sure to follow the exact same naming convention across the other correspondence with the organization. Also, you most likely know this, but never apply your work email address or office number to hunt for different jobs. If you want to relocate for work, you most likely already know it's most effective to leave your present address off your resume. A ty po in your contact number or email address is more prevalent than you may think. Without detailed contact info, or with incorrect contact info, employers won't have the ability to get in contact with you easily. Most professional small business letters incorporate a letterhead that's comprised of your name, address, telephone number, and email address. There's a risk each time you hand out personal info, especially your address. Although it's tempting to believe that all resumes are made equal, that's just not the circumstance. The Fundamentals of Resume Address Format Revealed If you held more than 1 position for the very same employer, be certain you list each position separately so that your career growth is more noticeable. Your experience should deal with every essential qualification in the job announcement. For instance, you could just be searching for a change in career, and a way to transition to a different field of work. The more legitimate the reason behind the break in employment the better the possibilities of getting a good hearing. Both are vital for making the expert look that's the foundation of any appropriate business letter. One of the simplest, and most recommended, methods to shore up an overly long resume is to include things like an executive or career summary at the summit of the document. What you place on the top is what you would like to get seen first. The hybrid format isn't an effective way for individuals without a work experience to break into a business. It's possible to add the address of your professional site, portfolio, or LinkedIn Account if you've got them. Including a portfolio works especially well for projects which look excellent online. LinkedIn is a favorite business-related social media website. LinkedIn on a resume isn't only commonwe highly suggest it. The Ultimate Resume Address Format Trick You should organize your resume to assist agencies evaluate your experience. Career experts advise that you customize your resume for each job, especially at the start of your resu me. Many employers cross-reference your resume to your on-line presence. Employers in various countries can have different expectations in regards to resumes.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Choosing Good Professional Resume Review
Choosing Good Professional Resume Review If you fret about the characteristic of your essay as well as you're worrying about whether you can locate a paper writer it is possible to trust, you have arrived at the right location. If you're searching for top essay companies which are writing try out the mentioned previously. Browsing our essay writing samples can provide you a sense whether the standard of our essays is the quality you're looking for. The Resume Writing Lab specialist is likely to make certain that the document has an ideal grammar free of spelling errors. Many organizations are supplying assistance but they generally're unable to give them on-time. No doubts, such solutions have numerous benefits if you are thinking about someone to finish your essay or a different undertaking, you have to think about contacting a service which is expert than getting a paper from the internet or asking fellow-students for assistance. As soon as you open the search engines and begin searching for a reliable resume writing service, you will observe that there are dozens and dozens of businesses that provide such support. Therefore don't rely on just certifications or lack thereof to figure out whether you ought to use the expert services of a particular company. Remember our reviews are completely unbiased. There are quite a lot of explanations for why you should have your resume review. Resume Prime client reviews are incredibly positive, also. Read our customers' reviews and feedbacks. The access to services, product descriptions and prices may change from time to time, therefore it is all up to the client to look at this information before placing an order. If you neglect to collaborate and are overwhelmed by the notion of supplying feedback then this may not be the service for you. It's important to employ a service which offers you a fine price for top quality. With affordable rates, but reliable and beneficial provider, it has to indeed be an exceptional support. The latter requires a completely different amount of preliminary work. It actually is a part that's essential of curriculum. If you see a service we haven't evaluated, don't hesitate to drop us a message and we are going to look it over whenever possible. The very first step is to choose the service you desire. The History of Professional Resume Review Refuted Girls are full of one's and often will definitely incorporate these incredible the response to what exactly will be among the far bett er messages you can actually imagine. Anyone who is searching for a work no matter field or degree of experience. If you need assistance getting clarity on the following career move, you may be interested career path clarity coaching. When you would like to find the best resume help, it is possible to simply follow our lead. What You Don't Know About Professional Resume Review You notice an outstanding ad and you believe you're ideal for that position. If ResumeMyCareer put the very same effort in their resumes they do in their site, they'd hold a greater position. Resume is the very first impression which every candidate want to present their prospective employer. Your resume will be the very first impression you make on your possible employer, so if it's not professionally written, then you're going to be cast aside for one more candidate. Professional Resume Review Ideas Selecting a professional resume writer is a worthwhile investment and might even prove to be among t he best decisions in your career. A great writer should establish what the customer wants and the way the professional can be tailored in line with the work role applying for. There are those who get easily disappointed in their jobs and people who only want to try out something new. Lots of people don't like their existing job or career. Life, Death and Professional Resume Review They have a couple testimonials on their site, but you can't completely trust them. In the article below, I'm likely to discuss 7 reasons to receive your resume looked at and why it is valuable to your job search. Submitting your resume via email can give you valuable details. Having your resume critiqued over the phone will be able to help you get the particular questions and issues you've got address. Professional Resume Review Can Be Fun for Everyone Not every writer offers rush support. As an experienced headhunter, Lauren is prepared to provide exclusive experience-based suggestions on what things to put on a resume and what things to avoid when designing one. Your comments also signify a good deal. It's only normal to be anxious about hiring an on-line essay writer since you can not ever be sure whether you are employing the appropriate service or not. When you must submit a resume to have a dream job, you may not wish to risk writing the piece on your own. The good thing is that the best resume writers aren't necessarily the costliest ones.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Skills and Qualifications for Resume and How to Avoid It
A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Skills and Qualifications for Resume and How to Avoid It The Foolproof Skills and Qualifications for Resume Strategy If your aim is to be the top applicant for any specific position, you should touch upon both of these regions in your resume. While you would like to include your skill set, make certain that you present the data in a chronological fashion. The ideal place to promote your skills is inside this section. The ability to keep a level head, or more to the point, to demonstrate restraint and exhibit calm when one's head isn't so level is an integral qualification. The organization is searching for somebody who has just the skill set they will need to acquire the best out of that position and you have to use your resume skills section and the remainder of the resume to show them that you are that person. For instance, say you're applying for the place of dump truck driver. While bank teller jobs can act as a great way to enter the discipline of finance, it's important that you demonstrate that you have the required skills to serve as the surface of the branch. The Appeal of Skills and Qualifications for Resume Marketers don't have to have any distinctive certifications, but there are lots of optional certifications generally accepted in the business as indicating an applicant is committed to the area. There are 400 freelancers on the website, which makes it the UK's biggest team of mobile wellness and beauty professionals. If you're really motivated to land a specific job, interview professionals in the area and ask them what it requires to excel in their job. For instance, if you're looking for employment in the medical care business, listing your yoga certification indicates that you're likely a health advocate and leader. The Unexpected Truth About Skills and Qualifications for Resume My role is to keep a world class customer experience on the internet that will achieve loyalty and retention. The capacity to remain patient with complaints or even aggression is crucial to supplying great care. When creating an effective resume, you want to understand how to compose a skills section as it is but one of the very first things a possible employer will start looking for to find a fundamental comprehension of what you, as a prospective employee, can bring to their company. Takes initiative to recognize potential issues and take the required steps to resolve them. If you would like to learn more about the items listed in the resume of a particular status in the area of sales, you can browse through our Sales Ass ociate Resumes. When you compose a list of Core Competencies, you are going to want to include about 10. One reason you are going to want to do this is something named Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Resumes concentrate on your prior job experiences. Simply take the opportunity to critique the job posting, so you're acquainted with what the employer wants. Some are brief, while some include additional information about the job and the provider. 1 day is never enjoy the next, and no circumstance is the exact same. For instance, a graphic designer needs both soft creativity abilities and tough adobe photoshop skills to do their job well. You are able to look on the internet for a list of soft abilities or hard skills to offer you a few ideas. The very best additional skills for resume writing are the ones that are linked to the job. Bear in mind, the majority of the distinctive skills that you place on your resume ought to be job-related skills taken from the work descri ption and your best transferable skills. At Flynn, it isn't only a job, it is a career. If you're still not positive if one of these skills are suitable for your situation, one quick approach to check which skills the employer is seeking is to confirm the work description. You should also possess the key soft skills employers search for. Get ready to answer questions regarding your interpersonal skills in the work interview. If you don't have one of these skills, it may be time for you to acquire a couple. Perhaps your skill set is wholly different. Soft skills can help you get the job that you want, but only as long as you own a standout resume you can trust. Therefore, it's a versatile skill to include. Skills and Qualifications for Resume Features The main reason for this is that ATS software is intended to read through resumes to be able to discard any which do not incorporate the keywords which were programmed for that specific position. You may use a number of the subsequent statements in your resume. Read through it a couple of occasions and you'll probably spot three or four vital skills mentioned many times throughout the document. You ought to use decent judgment when including additional info on your resume.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Whispered Supply Chain Analyst Resume Secrets
Whispered Supply Chain Analyst Resume Secrets Here's What I Know About Supply Chain Analyst Resume Also explain you will be pleased to supply any extra documents they may need. Also be sure the formatting is consistent. No matter your degree of job practical understanding, your resume format is vital to making your application stick out. Ruthless Supply Chain Analyst Resume Strategies Exploited One of the main skills I learned in Project Management in the past couple of years is the way to quantify success. As a Project Manager, you are liable for the total success of the undertaking and for that reason will need to make sure that gap is bridged. As a Project Manager, you are liable for the total success of not just this undertaking but future projects around the organization. Enhance work application. Having said this, a Business Analyst's role has developed previously. Analytics plays a crucial role in handling these challenges. You have chosen to turn into a project manager. Hiring managers prefer the reverse chronological format as it is more organized and simple to follow. The competency involves the wisdom and comprehension of above-mentioned activities, creating right processes along with effective application. A few of the certificates above require the candidate to get no less than a few years invested in related education or employment experience. When it has to do with technical abilities, it's alright to produce a list of everything that you possess, backing them up by certificates, education or appropriate experience. While all resumes should offer info in your work and education experience, together with your abilities and accomplishments, there are many approaches to present this info. These analysts should have the very first hand knowledge about all sorts of transport facilities like airfreight, truck services and custom brokers to allow them to learn the least expensive mode of transport to distribute products and solutions. For instance, if the business is searching for someone to improve profitability, you might mention your history of impacting the main point of different businesses. What's more, if Canadian contractors are not able to absorb the price increases, they'll also will need to source steel from other nations. It is clear that companies must sell the chance to candidates far more adroitly. A supply chain analyst is a person who must make sure that the analytical and qualitative techniques that are adopted by the company about the supply chain processes are appropriately coordinated and followed. Adhering to those guidelines is vital. Additionally, they must absorb the intricacy of interfaces with suppliers and customers beyond the firm. The analyst also researches supply and demand statistics to be sure that the appropriate amounts of each product are readily available. It has to be written particularly for the organization you're applying to. The reply is by way of supply chain administration. Looking for employment is not simple, especially whenever you're a student. A career for a Data Analyst generally takes a college education. Applying for employment is a competition. So, concentrate on the most suitable skill sets now so that you may be a standout candidate for a position later on. At 3M, you may apply your talent in bold techniques matter. It might be a chance to demonstrate slightly more of your personality. The Foolproof Supply Chain Analyst Resume Strategy Quantifying success will scare some people as it means we must hit certain numbers. Problem-solving skills are indispensable because part of their purpose is to determine ways to better product delivery and they're accountable for taking action when delays occur. Your work will help us increase efficiency and decrease costs. Put simply, capacity planning focuses on specifying the ideal production levels that the provider is capable of completing. Employers generally have a great deal of resumes to check through, and they prefer short resumes they can receive all the info they should know at quick glance. Many people decide to leave off the objective, but should you add one, be cer tain that you tailor it to each job.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Mba Resume Examples
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Mba Resume Examples Resume covers letters are really vital as that they allow you to connect to the prospective business. Although writing an employment verification letter you need to remember that the writing needs to be achieved onto an acceptable skilled letterhead. Imagine writing No references readily available on request, and see in the event you ever get accepted. Following this, you must inspect the letter. Anytime you can create your resume letter customized and personal, you're most likely to have a far superior response. A letter is a little more formal and has to be published on your business letterhead, answering the requester's questions. Make certain the letter may look professional. Whispered Mba Resume Examples Secrets Reviewing mba resume examples is a great means to assess what schools want to get in this section of the application practice. The standard distance education programs have come quite a ways, and it has taken the kind of a new e-learning. Business is continually changing and the master of business administration mba program at stockton was made to concentrate on our students mastering today the abilities and knowledge they can use immediately and later on. Intelligent small business management admission approach. Your abilities and experiences won't only make your resume look sharp, but it is also going to help you receive the degree you wish to join. This way, it's clear what type of experience you gained. The mba experience was admitted into the very first vigorous barrier, gwar. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Mba Resume Examples Below we give you a collection of MBA essay samples. Emphasize Relevant Work Experience MBA admissions programs may want to see that you're mindful of the manner that various small business models operate. Also, be sure to attach it like a pdf. It isn't likely to tell the Hiring Manager everything they will need to understand about you. Try to remember, the web is a remarkable resource for recruiters and if you don't want to devote massive quantities of grant on directionless job boards, at this point you have the skills it requires to discover clear Resume Samples For Mba. Programs incorporate some of business should have a mail back. Learning just how to compose an extremely amazing small business letter is extremely vital in any firm. Rumors, Lies and Mba Resume Examples A cover letter contains the summary of the qualifications of the feasible job seeker. After you discover that you'll be required custom write and submit an MBA admissions essay, it's time to begin the procedure for deciding education help homework you will write and which type of impression you're attempting to make. Turning in the best resume you can set together is essential to scoring a work interview. In addition, a customer may ask the write r to submit part of the job for review and, if needed, ask her or him to make corrections. This paragraph should be the purpose of declaring the race to be written particularly for the job you're applying. The employer needs to be interested in hiring you. If you're only readily available to take calls in the early hours, be certain that you convey that information to the employer. Composing a resume cover letter for an unaffiliated position is comparatively straightforward. Top Mba Resume Examples Choices You may check if they fit into the roles you're going to apply. It has to likewise be able to cite the reasons of your certification for the job that you will be aiming for. Leadership positions within a business school can vary from being just an official title which you put on your resume to a commitment of many hours of work each week. Admissions officers will want to observe the degree of your responsibilities, what you've achieved in each role, and whether your responsibilities have increased over the span of your career. It is possible to find information on the subject of the MBA job to allow you properly produce the career objective portion of the resume from the work description and requirements posted by the recruiter. Before you have the ability to discover the job you want, it's essential that you limit your favourite trade. If you've got key jobs that you're searching for then compose a resume for each. How to locate jobs for 15 yearolds, even when you haven't had any preceding part time jobs. It's possible for you to find as several types of resumes because you can discover jobs. The STAR process is a helpful tool in crafting your resume.
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